A call for short stories is launched for an African anthology by SEGUIMA Editions in Senegal, in collaboration with ACOLITT in Cameroon, from September 6th to October 15th, 2023.


Africa in general, and Senegal in particular, is going through a crucial period of its development. Our society needs a renaissance rooted in cultural renewal. Literature must play a leading role in this, starting with democratizing reading through greater accessibility to books. This requires high-quality literary production that raises awareness among citizens about current issues, stimulates African intellects, and entertains.

Our concerns are fourfold:

– Discovering new talents

– Promoting books

– Valuing authors

– Encouraging idea generation

– Providing new visibility to our partners.

Article 1: Participation in this call for texts is free. It is open to all Africans, without distinction, whether residing on the continent or in the diaspora, capable of submitting an unpublished short story. Texts written in all official languages found in Africa are highly anticipated.

Article 2: This call for texts involves writing a short story on the theme « This is Africa, » with the following specifications:

– Number of pages: 3 to 8

– Font size: 12

– Line spacing: 1.5

– Font type: Times New Roman

– Margins: normal

– No footnotes

– No content that may tarnish the image of a country, community, or individual

– No plagiarism

– Do not submit multiple texts or previously published texts

The texts should not include titles or author names. SEGUIMA will assign a code to each text before transmitting them to the jury. Failure to adhere to this instruction may result in disqualification.

Article 3: The short story will present a participant’s vision of Africa. The scope of this vision is left to their discretion (love, family life, etc.).

Article 4: The jury will consist of literature professionals and readers from various African countries. Our partners will assist with digital communication and in Senegalese media during and after the call.

Article 5: Word documents of the short stories should be sent to the unique email address by Sunday, October 15, 2023, at 11:59 PM. Candidates should use « SEGUIMA 2023 Call for Texts » as the email subject and include their names, surnames, countries, contact information, and the titles of their texts in the email body.

For more information: Email: Phone: +221 78 545 69 03

Article 6: The main criteria on which the jury members will base their evaluations are:

– Adherence to the theme

– Relevance of the text

– Language proficiency

– Originality

– Promotion of Africa

– Coherence in the text

Article 7: After the selection, the twenty (20) best short stories will be chosen to create an African anthology of short stories. The top three rated short stories will receive special prizes:

– 1st prize: 70,000 FCFA

– 2nd prize: 50,000 FCFA

– 3rd prize: 30,000 FCFA

Each winner will receive a participation diploma and ten (10) copies of the anthology produced by SEGUIMA Editions.

Results will be announced on Friday, December 15, 2023.



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